Programs Cairo Full Day Tours  
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1- Giza tour program (Pyramids, Sphinx, Memphis And Sakkara) with lunch:
We start by visiting Memphis, the ancient capital of Egypt, wherein lies the colossal statue of Ramses II and the great Alabaster Sphinx, then we proceed to Sakkara, where we visit the Step Pyramid of Zoser. After lunch, there is a visit to the Papyrus Institute. The next stop is Giza, home of the Great Pyramids. There is some free time for taking photographs and camel rides. After this, we will see the Sphinx and the Valley Temple.

2- Sakkara and Memphis with lunch:
Sakkara is 27-km southwest of Cairo. The first stop is a visit to the Step Pyramid of Sakkara. This was the first proper pyramid as such, and was built for the king Zoser. It is considered to be the evolution of the simple mastaba to the pyramid in its known form. Next follows a visit to the Pyramids of Unas and Oser-Kaf, the mastaba, and the carved and painted tombs of Mereruka, Ti & Pta-Hotep. Then we proceed to Memphis, the ancient capital of Egypt, where we view the colossal statue of Ramses II and the great alabaster Sphinx. This is followed by lunch.

3- The Egyptian Museum & Citadel with lunch:
The tour includes a visit to the Egyptian museum (one of the most famous museums in the world, filled with a magnificent collection of antiquities including mummies, sarcophagi and the fabulous treasures of Tut Ankh Amun's tomb. This is followed by a visit to the Citadel, which comprises a number of important monuments, namely the mosque of Suleiman Pasha, The Alabaster Mosque, Joeh's Walls, and Mohamed Ali Pasha's palace. The Citadel provides a panoramic view of Cairo from the Moqattam hills. This visit is followed by lunch.

4- The Egyptian Museum And Giza Pyramids with lunch:
Start your full day visiting the Egyptian museum of Antiquities. On display is a rare collection of 5000 years of art - the largest and most precious collection of Egyptian art in the world. Over 250,000 genuine artifacts are presented, including a section dedicated to the Tut- Ankh- Amun collection of treasures, gold, and jewelry. These particular exhibits were enclosed in Tut Ankh Amun's tomb for over 3,500 years before it was discovered in the 1920s when the tomb was excavated. Next there is a visit to the Great Pyramids - Cheops, Chephren & Mykerions. Cheops is the most colossal pyramid ever built. Next is a close-up look at the Sphinx - a huge funeral complex guarded by the legendary lion body with the face of king Chephren. Then visit Khan El Khalili Bazaars. Shops in this district are legendary for fine brassware, copper, perfumes, leather, silver, gold, and antiques. At the end of the day we will transfer you back to your hotel.

5- Pharaonic village and Khan El-Khalili:
A visit to the unique Pharaonic Village, where actors in Pharaonic clothes transport you back in time and show you how daily life was lived in ancient Egypt. The next stop is the Khan El-Khalili Bazaar, where you can see and buy quality Eastern goods such as spices perfumes, gold, silver, carpets, brass, copperware, ceramics & mashrabia. This is followed by lunch.

6- The Citadel & Old Cairo:
We start by visiting the old part of Cairo. Egypt was one of the first countries to embrace Christianity, and there are many beautiful churches to see. We visit the church of Abu-Sergah and St. Berbara, the Hanging Church, and the Coptic Museum which has a large collection of Coptic arts and antiquities dating from 300-1000 B.C., We will also visit the old Jewish Ben Ezra Synagogue. Then we proceed to the Citadel which is home to a number of important monuments - the mosque of Soleiman Pasha, the Alabaster Mosque, Joeh's Walls, and the Mohamed Ali Pasha Palace. From here there is a fabulous panoramic view of Cairo from the Moqattam hills.

7- Islamic & Christian Cairo:
Your tour of Islamic Cairo begins with the 12th century Citadel of Saladin. Within the walls of this medieval fortress are the Alabaster Mosque and the Qasr El-Gawahara (or Jewel Palace) built by Mohamed Ali, on a site which was once occupied by Mameluke and Ottoman palaces. Next you visit the Mosque of lbn Tulan, built in 876 AD, the oldest original mosque in Cairo. We continue to Christian Old Cairo, where the Romans constructed the fortress of Babylon. Built over the ruins of the two towers of this fortress is the Church of St. Mary or El-Moallaqah (meaning overhanging or suspended) which is why the most popular name for this church is the Hanging Church. Visit the Church of St. Sergius, founded at the end of the 4th century; it stands on a crypt that is said to have sheltered the Holy Family during their flight to Egypt. Your tour ends with a visit to the Coptic Museum, containing the world's richest collection of Coptic art and treasures.

8- Pyramids - Saqqara, Abu Sir & Dahshur:
This tour is for pyramid - lovers and archeology enthusiasts. First visit the Abu Sir pyramids of the principal 5th- dynasty pharaohs Sahure, Niuserre and Neferirkare. The vast tomb of Ptahshepses has been recently restored and is well worth the visit. Next visit the oldest of all pyramids, the Step Pyramid and funeral complex of the 3rd-dynasty pharaoh Zoser, which dates back to 2500 BC. Continue through the desert to visit the Red and Bent pyramids at Dahshur, dating back to the 4th-dynasty.

9- Old Cairo:
We start by visiting the old part of Cairo, and some of Egypt's very beautiful churches - the church of Abu-Sergah and St. Barbara, the Hanging Church. We then go to the Coptic Museum. With Egypt being one of the first countries to embrace Christianity, it is no surprise that there are many Coptic relics to be seen at this museum. Its collection of Coptic arts and antiquities dates back to 300-1000 BC. Next follows a visit to the old Jewish Synagogue of Ben Ezra.